Booking Details

This API retrieves booking details for a specified booking code

API Request Response Structure

Path Parameters

bmsBookingCodeStringUnique identifier for the booking.

Response Body Structure

Root Level

booking_detailsObjectContains booking information.

booking_details Object

flight_itineraryObjectFlight itinerary details.
itineraryIdIntegerUnique ID associated with the itinerary.
errorObjectError details (if any).
addtional_booking_detailsObjectAdditional details related to the booking.
itemCodeStringUnique item code of the booking.
bmsBookingCodeStringUnique booking code in the system.
bookingStatusStringStatus of the booking ("CONFIRMED", "PENDING", "FAILED").

flight_itinerary Object

statusCodeIntegerHTTP status code of the response.
responseDataObjectContains the booking details.

responseData.results Object

paxCountIntegerTotal number of passengers.
adultCountIntegerNumber of adults in the booking.
childCountIntegerNumber of children in the booking.
infantCountIntegerNumber of infants in the booking.
itineraryCodeStringUnique identifier for the booked itinerary.
traceIdStringUnique tracking identifier.
addONsObjectAdditional services (if applicable).
isDomesticBooleantrue if the flight is domestic, false otherwise.
previousTotalAmountIntegerPrevious total fare before final booking.
totalAmountIntegerFinal fare after booking confirmation.
isPriceChangedBooleantrue if fare changed before booking.
insuranceAmountIntegerCost of travel insurance.
baseFareIntegerBase fare amount.
taxAndSurchargeIntegerTotal taxes and surcharges.
tcDiscountIntegerDiscount applied to the booking.
isHoldAllowedBooleantrue if ticket hold is allowed.
totalHoldChargesIntegerCharges for holding the ticket.

itineraryItems (Flight Itinerary Details)

itemCodeStringUnique identifier for the itinerary item.
typeStringType of service (e.g., "FLIGHT").
itemFlightObjectFlight-specific details.

itemFlight Object (Flight Details)

resultIndexStringUnique identifier for the flight result.
originStringIATA code of the departure airport.
destinationStringIATA code of the arrival airport.
airlineNameStringName of the airline.
flightNumberStringFlight number.
journeyTypeIntegerType of journey (1: One-way, 2: Round-trip).
distributorStringDistributor code.
departureAtStringDeparture date and time (ISO format).
arrivalAtStringArrival date and time (ISO format).
fareIdentifierObjectContains fare details (name, code, color code).
stopCountObjectInformation about stopovers.
webCheckInUrlStringURL for online check-in (if available).

pnrDetails (PNR Information)

originStringIATA code of the departure airport.
destinationStringIATA code of the arrival airport.
pnrStringPassenger Name Record for the booking.

passengers (Passenger Details)

Each passenger contains:

idIntegerPassenger ID.
titleStringTitle (e.g., "Mr", "Ms").
firstNameStringPassenger's first name.
lastNameStringPassenger's last name.
genderIntegerPassenger gender (1: Male, 2: Female).
dateOfBirthStringPassenger's date of birth (YYYY-MM-DD).
emailStringPassenger's email address.
contactNumberStringPassenger's phone number.
passportNumberStringPassport number (if applicable).
passportExpiryStringPassport expiry date (YYYY-MM-DD).
paxTypeIntegerPassenger type (1: Adult, 2: Child, 3: Infant).
paxTypeNameStringPassenger type name ("ADULT", "CHILD", "INFANT").
paxFareObjectFare breakdown for the passenger.

airportMetaData (Airport Information)

airportCodeStringIATA code of the airport.
cityCodeStringIATA code of the city.
cityNameStringCity name.
countryCodeStringISO country code.
countryNameStringCountry name.
latitudeStringLatitude coordinate of the airport.
longitudeStringLongitude coordinate of the airport.

traceIdDetails (Trace ID Metadata)

traceIdStringUnique identifier for tracking the request.
remainingTimeIntegerRemaining validity time in seconds (if applicable).
createdAtStringTimestamp when the trace ID was created (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss).

Sample Response

    "booking_details": {
        "flight_itinerary": {
            "statusCode": 200,
            "responseData": {
                "results": {
                    "paxCount": 2,
                    "adultCount": 2,
                    "childCount": 0,
                    "infantCount": 0,
                    "itineraryCode": "itrfnl7",
                    "traceId": "38372a10-888c-45e6-8734-38763034fc68",
                    "addONs": null,
                    "isDomestic": false,
                    "previousTotalAmount": 47070,
                    "totalAmount": 47070,
                    "isPriceChanged": false,
                    "insuranceAmount": 0,
                    "baseFare": 33640,
                    "taxAndSurcharge": 13430,
                    "tcDiscount": 0,
                    "isHoldAllowed": false,
                    "totalHoldCharges": 0,
                    "FFAirlineCodes": [
                    "itineraryItems": [
                            "itemCode": "itmq9qo",
                            "type": "FLIGHT",
                            "itemFlight": {
                                "resultIndex": "a1e518aa-7b3f-44f2-96ab-c1efe821c6f4",
                                "origin": "DAC",
                                "isLCC": false,
                                "isRefundable": true,
                                "destination": "DXB",
                                "airlineName": "Biman Bangladesh",
                                "flightNumber": "147",
                                "journeyType": 1,
                                "provider": "P3",
                                "distributor": "D1",
                                "isDomestic": false,
                                "departureAt": "2025-03-25T18:30:00.000Z",
                                "arrivalAt": "2025-03-26T00:30:00.000Z",
                                "fareIdentifier": {
                                    "name": "Published",
                                    "code": "farjkk7",
                                    "colorCode": "#0077CE"
                                "stopCount": {
                                    "stops": 0
                                "airlineRemark": null,
                                "isHoldAllowed": false,
                                "mandatoryFieldValidators": {},
                                "fareQuote": {
                                    "resultIndex": "a1e518aa-7b3f-44f2-96ab-c1efe821c6f4",
                                    "isLCC": false,
                                    "currency": "INR",
                                    "baseFare": 33640,
                                    "finalFare": 47070,
                                    "paxFareBreakUp": [
                                            "currency": "INR",
                                            "paxType": 1,
                                            "tax": 6715,
                                            "baseFare": 16820,
                                            "yqTax": 0,
                                            "yrTax": 0,
                                            "gst": 0
                                    "serviceFee": 0,
                                    "taxAndSurcharge": 13430,
                                    "isDiscountApplied": false,
                                    "originalFinalFare": null,
                                    "tcDiscount": 0,
                                    "ssrAmount": 0
                                "fareRule": [
                                        "airline": "Biman Bangladesh",
                                        "destination": "DXB",
                                        "origin": "DAC",
                                        "fareRuleDetail": "<li><span>CANCELLATION CHARGES : </span></li><br><span>Cancellation allowed between 8760 hours and 4 hours before departure at a charge of INR NA</span><br></><br><li><span>CHANGE CHARGES : </span></li><br><span>Change allowed between 8760 hours and 4 hours before departure at a charge of INR NA</span></>"
                                "segments": [
                                            "bg": "30Kgs",
                                            "cBg": "7Kgs",
                                            "cC": 2,
                                            "al": {
                                                "alC": "BG",
                                                "alN": "Biman Bangladesh",
                                                "fN": "147",
                                                "fC": "T",
                                                "oC": "Biman Bangladesh Airlines",
                                                "fCFC": "T_Regular"
                                            "nOSA": null,
                                            "or": {
                                                "aC": "DAC",
                                                "aN": "Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport",
                                                "tr": "",
                                                "cC": "DAC",
                                                "cN": "Dhaka",
                                                "dT": "2025-03-25T18:30:00",
                                                "cnN": "Bangladesh"
                                            "ds": {
                                                "aC": "DXB",
                                                "aN": "Dubai International Airport",
                                                "tr": "",
                                                "cC": "DXB",
                                                "cN": "Dubai",
                                                "aT": "2025-03-26T00:30:00",
                                                "cnN": "United Arab Emirates"
                                            "aD": 480,
                                            "dr": 480,
                                            "sO": true,
                                            "sP": "CGP",
                                            "sPAT": "Tue-25Mar2025T19:30:00",
                                            "sPDT": "Tue-25Mar2025T20:30:00",
                                            "sD": 60
                                "pnrDetails": [
                                        "origin": "DAC",
                                        "destination": "DXB",
                                        "pnr": "MBKXEA"
                                "webCheckInUrl": "",
                                "pnr": "MBKXEA"
                    "passengers": [
                            "id": 49851,
                            "title": "Mr",
                            "firstName": "Mehedi Hasan",
                            "lastName": "Mahin",
                            "gender": 1,
                            "addressLineOne": "Building No 9B, Pusa Road, Uttkarsh Bank Near Rajendra Place Metro Station",
                            "addressLineTwo": "Delhi 110060, New Delhi, Delhi 110005",
                            "dateOfBirth": "2000-09-30T00:00:00.000Z",
                            "email": "[email protected]",
                            "city": "Delhi",
                            "cellCountryCode": "880",
                            "contactNumber": "01278946",
                            "nationality": null,
                            "countryCode": "IN",
                            "countryName": "India",
                            "isLeadPax": true,
                            "panCardNumber": null,
                            "passportNumber": "123456",
                            "passportIssueDate": "2016-10-02T00:00:00.000Z",
                            "passportExpiry": "2026-10-01T00:00:00.000Z",
                            "frequentFlyerAirlineCode": null,
                            "frequentFlyerNumber": null,
                            "gstCompanyAddress": null,
                            "gstCompanyContactNumber": null,
                            "gstCompanyEmail": null,
                            "gstCompanyName": null,
                            "gstNumber": null,
                            "paxType": 1,
                            "memberCode": "mjmyu",
                            "organizationCode": "orjv79",
                            "outboundStatus": 1,
                            "inboundStatus": 0,
                            "createdAt": "2025-01-28T10:58:09.000Z",
                            "ssr": {},
                            "paxTypeName": "ADULT",
                            "paxFare": {
                                "currency": "INR",
                                "ticketNumber": "1900456776",
                                "baseFare": 16820,
                                "tax": 6715,
                                "publishedFare": 23535,
                                "yqTax": 0,
                                "yrTax": 0,
                                "gst": 0,
                                "otherTax": 6715,
                                "bagCharges": 0,
                                "mealCharges": 0,
                                "seatCharges": 0,
                                "createdAt": "2025-01-28T10:58:14.000Z"
                            "id": 49852,
                            "title": "Mrs",
                            "firstName": "Mayami Akhtar",
                            "lastName": "Mahin",
                            "gender": 2,
                            "addressLineOne": "Building No 9B, Pusa Road, Uttkarsh Bank Near Rajendra Place Metro Station",
                            "addressLineTwo": "Delhi 110060, New Delhi, Delhi 110005",
                            "dateOfBirth": "2000-03-30T00:00:00.000Z",
                            "email": "[email protected]",
                            "city": "Delhi",
                            "cellCountryCode": "880",
                            "contactNumber": "01278946",
                            "nationality": null,
                            "countryCode": "IN",
                            "countryName": "India",
                            "isLeadPax": false,
                            "panCardNumber": null,
                            "passportNumber": "765432",
                            "passportIssueDate": "2017-10-02T00:00:00.000Z",
                            "passportExpiry": "2027-10-01T00:00:00.000Z",
                            "frequentFlyerAirlineCode": null,
                            "frequentFlyerNumber": null,
                            "gstCompanyAddress": null,
                            "gstCompanyContactNumber": null,
                            "gstCompanyEmail": null,
                            "gstCompanyName": null,
                            "gstNumber": null,
                            "paxType": 1,
                            "memberCode": "mjmyu",
                            "organizationCode": "orjv79",
                            "outboundStatus": 1,
                            "inboundStatus": 0,
                            "createdAt": "2025-01-28T10:58:09.000Z",
                            "ssr": {},
                            "paxTypeName": "ADULT",
                            "paxFare": {
                                "currency": "INR",
                                "ticketNumber": "1900456777",
                                "baseFare": 16820,
                                "tax": 6715,
                                "publishedFare": 23535,
                                "yqTax": 0,
                                "yrTax": 0,
                                "gst": 0,
                                "otherTax": 6715,
                                "bagCharges": 0,
                                "mealCharges": 0,
                                "seatCharges": 0,
                                "createdAt": "2025-01-28T10:58:14.000Z"
                    "airportMetaData": [
                            "airportCode": "DXB",
                            "cityCode": "DXB",
                            "cityName": "Dubai",
                            "countryCode": "AE",
                            "countryName": "United Arab Emirates",
                            "latitude": "25.252800",
                            "longitude": "55.364399"
                    "agentInfo": null,
                    "traceIdDetails": {
                        "traceId": "38372a10-888c-45e6-8734-38763034fc68",
                        "remainingTime": null,
                        "createdAt": null
            "itineraryId": 67900,
            "error": {}
        "addtional_booking_details": {
            "holdTimeLimit": null,
            "providerHoldTimeLimit": null,
            "createdAt": "2025-01-28T10:58:15.000Z"
        "itemCode": "itmq9qo",
        "bmsBookingCode": "trnom",
        "bookingStatus": "CONFIRMED"

Usage Guidelines

This API is used to:
✅ Retrieve detailed information about a booking. ✅ Check the real-time status of a booking.

Polling for Booking Status if status is PENDING

  • Call getBookingDetailsAPI every 2 minutes for a maximum of 1 hour.
  • If the status remainsPENDING after 1 hour, contact the OPS Team via the TravClan Portal.

Best Practices

  • This API does not depend on the TraceID session, so it can be called at any time after booking.
  • Always store the booking reference ID to fetch booking details when needed.
  • If a booking remains in PENDING status for an extended time, reach out to support for manual intervention.

API Reference