Getting Started

All you need to know to get started with the Volt APIs.


To access the APIs, you need an merchant-id, user-id and an api-key. These values would be provided to API consumers once their account has been created.

merchant-id: Account identifier associated with each account. Separate accounts are created for testing and production environments.

user-id: This is an internal identifier for the api consumer's account.

api-key: Required to authenticate an API request.

Go live with the Volt Hotel API can be achieved in the following steps:

1. API Flow Implementation

API consumers can implement the complete hotel search-to-booking-and-cancellation workflow by integrating the Search, Content, Itinerary and Booking APIs in alignment with their business requirements. Detailed parameter information and API descriptions are provided in the documentation. For any integration-related queries, consumers can reach out via [email protected].

2. Certification

After completing the API integration, the API Support team will provide a set of criteria to test the workflows and execute few bookings in the sandbox as well live environment. There would also be a certain set of UI test cases to be performed. The results of these scenarios should then be shared with the support team to validate the end-to-end integration. Detailed certification guide and UI test cases can be requested with the support team.

3. Go Live

After certification and review of the logs, the support team configures the consumer's live credentials in the production environment. Any further challenges or queries post-integration can be addressed by contacting [email protected].