Hotels Workflow

All you need to know about the hotels booking flow.

For the Hotel API flow, the recommended sequence is as follows:

  1. Search for Destination → Search API
  2. Static content of hotel → Static Content API(Optional)
  3. Get Rooms and Rates of a hotel → Create Itinerary API
  4. Save Rooms and Rates → Select Room Rate API
  5. Get Itinerary Details→ Get Itinerary API (Optional: Can be called anytime after itinerary creation)
  6. Save Guest Details → Room Allocation API
  7. Price Check → Price Check API
  8. Booking → Book API
  9. Booking Details → Get Booking Details API(Optional: Can be used to get details of the booking)
  10. Cancel the booking → Cancel API(Optional: Can be used to cancel the booking)

Note: You should call the Price Check API after selecting the room and rate, following the steps outlined above.

Hotel APIs Domains

Sandbox URLProduction URLAPIs
https://hms-api-sandbox.travclan.comhttps://hms-v1-tp.travclan.comUse with "Search Hotels" API only
https://hotel-api-sandbox.travclan.comhttps://hotels-v1-tp.travclan.comUse with all APIs except "Search Hotels"