
Searches for available flights based on the specified search criteria.

API Request Response Structure

Request Body Structure

adultCountStringNumber of adult passengers.
childCountStringNumber of child passengers.
infantCountStringNumber of infant passengers.
directFlightBooleanSet to true for direct flights only, false to allow layovers.
journeyTypeInteger1 for One-way, 2 for Round-trip, 3 for Multi-city.
originStringThree-letter IATA code for departure airport (e.g., "BOM" for Mumbai).
destinationStringThree-letter IATA code for arrival airport (e.g., "HYD" for Hyderabad).
preferredDepartureTimeStringPreferred departure date and time in ISO format (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss).
preferredReturnDepartureTimeString(Required for round-trip) Preferred return departure date and time in ISO format.
flightCabinClassIntegerCabin class selection (see values below).

Cabin Class Values

Class NameValue

Request Payload

  "adultCount": 2,
  "childCount": 1,
  "infantCount": 0,
  "directFlight": false,
  "journeyType": 2,
  "origin": "BOM",
  "destination": "HYD",
  "preferredDepartureTime": "2024-11-01T00:00:00",
  "preferredReturnDepartureTime": "2024-11-05T00:00:00",
  "flightCabinClass": 1

Response Body Structure

Root Level

responseObjectContains search results and metadata.

response Object

originStringIATA code of the departure airport (e.g., "DEL" for Delhi).
destinationStringIATA code of the arrival airport (e.g., "BOM" for Mumbai).
journeyTypeIntegerType of journey (1: One-way, 2: Round-trip, 3: Multi-city).
traceIdStringUnique identifier for the search request.
isDomesticBooleantrue if the flight is domestic, false if international.
paxCountIntegerTotal number of passengers in the booking.

results Object

outboundFlights (List of Flights for Departure)






Indicates if flight is refundable.



Indicates airlineRemark if any



Indicates if flight is low-cost carrier



Unique reference ID for the flight.



Published Fare



Currency code (e.g., "INR").



Base fare.



Stop count



Service fee.



Fare class (e.g., "PUBLISHED").



Available seats.



Booking class.



Final fare after all taxes.



Total additional services cost.



Internal key



Contains fare name, code, and color code. Fare Name to be used from here



Group identifier for pricing logic.

sg (Segments - Flight Details)
bgStringChecked baggage allowance.
cBgStringCabin baggage allowance.
cCIntegerCabin class.
alObjectAirline information.
nOSAIntegerNumber of available seats.
orObjectOrigin details.
dsObjectDestination details.
aDIntegerTotal duration in minutes
drIntegerFlight duration in minutes.
gTIntegerGround time in minutes (for layovers).
sOBooleanIndicates if a stopover is included.
sPStringStopover points (if applicable).
sDIntegerStopover duration in minutes.
or (Origin Details)
aCStringAirport IATA code.
aNStringAirport name.
trStringTerminal number (if applicable).
cCStringCity IATA code.
cNStringCity name.
dTStringDeparture date and time in ISO format (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss).
cnNStringCountry name.
ds (Destination Details)
aCStringAirport IATA code.
aNStringAirport name.
trStringTerminal number (if applicable).
cCStringCity IATA code.
cNStringCity name.
aTStringArrival date and time in ISO format (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss).
cnNStringCountry name.

inboundFlights (List of Flights for Return)

Structure is identical tooutboundFlights. Results will be there in case of Domestic Return.

facets Object (Flight Filtering Data)


nameStringFare category (e.g., "Published", "Others").
countIntegerNumber of fares available in this category.
codeStringFare code identifier.
colorCodeStringColor associated with this fare type.


inbound (Inbound Airlines Breakdown)
nameStringAirline name (e.g., "Air India").
codeStringAirline IATA code (e.g., "AI").
countIntegerNumber of flights available.
outbound (Outbound Airlines Breakdown)
nameStringAirline name (e.g., "Vistara").
codeStringAirline IATA code (e.g., "UK").
countIntegerNumber of flights available.

Sample API Response

  "response": {
    "origin": "DEL",
    "destination": "BOM",
    "provider": "TravClan",
    "journeyType": 2,
    "traceId": "b9754c9f-8bdc-4300-97db-696031eec680",
    "isDomestic": true,
    "paxCount": 6,
    "results": {
      "outboundFlights": [
          "iR": true,
          "aR": null,
          "iL": false,
          "rI": "04726d37-c4d8-40fe-850f-784c5a338ccf",
          "pr": "P2",
          "pF": 21070,
          "oF": 21070,
          "cr": "INR",
          "bF": 17193,
          "sC": 0,
          "sF": 0,
          "pFC": "PUBLISHED",
          "sg": [
              "bg": "25 Kg (01 Piece only)",
              "cBg": "7 Kg",
              "cC": 2,
              "al": {
                "alC": "AI",
                "alN": "Air India",
                "fN": "814",
                "fC": "S",
                "oC": null,
                "fCFC": "S_PUBLISHED"
              "nOSA": 9,
              "or": {
                "aC": "DEL",
                "aN": "Delhi Indira Gandhi Intl",
                "tr": "Terminal 3",
                "cC": "DEL",
                "cN": "Delhi",
                "dT": "2024-08-21T22:30:00",
                "cnN": "India"
              "ds": {
                "aC": "BOM",
                "aN": "Chhatrapati Shivaji",
                "tr": "Terminal 2",
                "cC": "BOM",
                "cN": "Mumbai",
                "aT": "2024-08-22T00:45:00",
                "cnN": "India"
              "aD": 135,
              "dr": 135,
              "gT": 0,
              "sO": false,
              "sP": "",
              "sD": 0
          "sA": 9,
          "db": "D1",
          "fF": 20880,
          "tAS": 3687,
          "fFWAM": 29880,
          "fareIdentifier": {
            "name": "Published",
            "code": "farjkk7",
            "colorCode": "#0077CE"
          "groupId": 74
          "iR": true,
          "aR": null,
          "iL": false,
          "rI": "4d4b249e-d9f2-48ff-8577-bf8fbbed7222",
          "pr": "P2",
          "pF": 22031,
          "oF": 22031,
          "cr": "INR",
          "bF": 18108,
          "sC": 0,
          "sF": 0,
          "pFC": "PUBLISHED",
          "sg": [
              "bg": "25 Kg (01 Piece only)",
              "cBg": "7 Kg",
              "cC": 2,
              "al": {
                "alC": "AI",
                "alN": "Air India",
                "fN": "636",
                "fC": "S",
                "oC": null,
                "fCFC": "S_PUBLISHED"
              "nOSA": 9,
              "or": {
                "aC": "DEL",
                "aN": "Delhi Indira Gandhi Intl",
                "tr": "Terminal 3",
                "cC": "DEL",
                "cN": "Delhi",
                "dT": "2024-08-21T14:30:00",
                "cnN": "India"
              "ds": {
                "aC": "IDR",
                "aN": "Devi Ahilya Bai Holkar Arpt",
                "cC": "IDR",
                "cN": "Indore",
                "aT": "2024-08-21T16:05:00",
                "cnN": "India"
              "aD": 95,
              "dr": 95,
              "gT": 0,
              "sO": false,
              "sP": "",
              "sD": 35
              "bg": "25 Kg (01 Piece only)",
              "cBg": "7 Kg",
              "cC": 2,
              "al": {
                "alC": "AI",
                "alN": "Air India",
                "fN": "636",
                "fC": "S",
                "oC": null,
                "fCFC": "S_PUBLISHED"
              "nOSA": 9,
              "or": {
                "aC": "IDR",
                "aN": "Devi Ahilya Bai Holkar Arpt",
                "cC": "IDR",
                "cN": "Indore",
                "dT": "2024-08-21T16:40:00",
                "cnN": "India"
              "ds": {
                "aC": "BOM",
                "aN": "Chhatrapati Shivaji",
                "tr": "Terminal 2",
                "cC": "BOM",
                "cN": "Mumbai",
                "aT": "2024-08-21T18:05:00",
                "cnN": "India"
              "aD": 215,
              "dr": 85,
              "gT": 35,
              "sO": false,
              "sP": "",
              "sD": 0
          "sA": 9,
          "db": "D1",
          "fF": 21832,
          "tAS": 3724,
          "fFWAM": 30832,
          "fareIdentifier": {
            "name": "Published",
            "code": "farjkk7",
            "colorCode": "#0077CE"
          "groupId": 79
          "iR": true,
          "aR": null,
          "iL": false,
          "rI": "cf78e2b2-371e-4a18-b042-30f3be454997",
          "pr": "P2",
          "pF": 22031,
          "oF": 22031,
          "cr": "INR",
          "bF": 18108,
          "sC": 0,
          "sF": 0,
          "pFC": "PUBLISHED",
          "sg": [
              "bg": "25 Kg (01 Piece only)",
              "cBg": "7 Kg",
              "cC": 2,
              "al": {
                "alC": "AI",
                "alN": "Air India",
                "fN": "805",
                "fC": "S",
                "oC": null,
                "fCFC": "S_PUBLISHED"
              "nOSA": 9,
              "or": {
                "aC": "DEL",
                "aN": "Delhi Indira Gandhi Intl",
                "tr": "Terminal 3",
                "cC": "DEL",
                "cN": "Delhi",
                "dT": "2024-08-21T20:00:00",
                "cnN": "India"
              "ds": {
                "aC": "BOM",
                "aN": "Chhatrapati Shivaji",
                "tr": "Terminal 2",
                "cC": "BOM",
                "cN": "Mumbai",
                "aT": "2024-08-21T22:25:00",
                "cnN": "India"
              "aD": 145,
              "dr": 145,
              "gT": 0,
              "sO": false,
              "sP": "",
              "sD": 0
          "sA": 9,
          "db": "D1",
          "fF": 21832,
          "tAS": 3724,
          "fFWAM": 30832,
          "fareIdentifier": {
            "name": "Published",
            "code": "farjkk7",
            "colorCode": "#0077CE"
          "groupId": 78
          "iR": true,
          "aR": null,
          "iL": false,
          "rI": "b22ded67-e10f-4e23-90e5-bc28fb9fe83b",
          "pr": "P2",
          "pF": 22031,
          "oF": 22031,
          "cr": "INR",
          "bF": 18108,
          "sC": 0,
          "sF": 0,
          "pFC": "PUBLISHED",
          "sg": [
              "bg": "25 Kg (01 Piece only)",
              "cBg": "7 Kg",
              "cC": 2,
              "al": {
                "alC": "AI",
                "alN": "Air India",
                "fN": "605",
                "fC": "S",
                "oC": null,
                "fCFC": "S_PUBLISHED"
              "nOSA": 9,
              "or": {
                "aC": "DEL",
                "aN": "Delhi Indira Gandhi Intl",
                "tr": "Terminal 3",
                "cC": "DEL",
                "cN": "Delhi",
                "dT": "2024-08-21T21:20:00",
                "cnN": "India"
              "ds": {
                "aC": "BOM",
                "aN": "Chhatrapati Shivaji",
                "tr": "Terminal 2",
                "cC": "BOM",
                "cN": "Mumbai",
                "aT": "2024-08-21T23:35:00",
                "cnN": "India"
              "aD": 135,
              "dr": 135,
              "gT": 0,
              "sO": false,
              "sP": "",
              "sD": 0
          "sA": 9,
          "db": "D1",
          "fF": 21832,
          "tAS": 3724,
          "fFWAM": 30832,
          "fareIdentifier": {
            "name": "Published",
            "code": "farjkk7",
            "colorCode": "#0077CE"
          "groupId": 77
          "iR": true,
          "aR": null,
          "iL": false,
          "rI": "028989a3-7e63-425e-817f-1c16c9dec19f",
          "pr": "P2",
          "pF": 22031,
          "oF": 22031,
          "cr": "INR",
          "bF": 18108,
          "sC": 0,
          "sF": 0,
          "pFC": "PUBLISHED",
          "sg": [
              "bg": "25 Kg (01 Piece only)",
              "cBg": "7 Kg",
              "cC": 2,
              "al": {
                "alC": "AI",
                "alN": "Air India",
                "fN": "441",
                "fC": "S",
                "oC": null,
                "fCFC": "S_PUBLISHED"
              "nOSA": 9,
              "or": {
                "aC": "DEL",
                "aN": "Delhi Indira Gandhi Intl",
                "tr": "Terminal 3",
                "cC": "DEL",
                "cN": "Delhi",
                "dT": "2024-08-21T17:15:00",
                "cnN": "India"
              "ds": {
                "aC": "BOM",
                "aN": "Chhatrapati Shivaji",
                "tr": "Terminal 2",
                "cC": "BOM",
                "cN": "Mumbai",
                "aT": "2024-08-21T20:05:00",
                "cnN": "India"
              "aD": 170,
              "dr": 170,
              "gT": 0,
              "sO": false,
              "sP": "",
              "sD": 0
          "sA": 9,
          "db": "D1",
          "fF": 21832,
          "tAS": 3724,
          "fFWAM": 30832,
          "fareIdentifier": {
            "name": "Published",
            "code": "farjkk7",
            "colorCode": "#0077CE"
          "groupId": 76
          "iR": true,
          "aR": null,
          "iL": false,
          "rI": "2c588953-2101-4dff-b438-1456af213181",
          "pr": "P2",
          "pF": 22031,
          "oF": 22031,
          "cr": "INR",
          "bF": 18108,
          "sC": 0,
          "sF": 0,
          "pFC": "PUBLISHED",
          "sg": [
              "bg": "25 Kg (01 Piece only)",
              "cBg": "7 Kg",
              "cC": 2,
              "al": {
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                "alN": "Air India",
                "fN": "856",
                "fC": "S",
                "oC": null,
                "fCFC": "S_PUBLISHED"
              "nOSA": 9,
              "or": {
                "aC": "DEL",
                "aN": "Delhi Indira Gandhi Intl",
                "tr": "Terminal 3",
                "cC": "DEL",
                "cN": "Delhi",
                "dT": "2024-08-21T15:00:00",
                "cnN": "India"
              "ds": {
                "aC": "BOM",
                "aN": "Chhatrapati Shivaji",
                "tr": "Terminal 2",
                "cC": "BOM",
                "cN": "Mumbai",
                "aT": "2024-08-21T17:30:00",
                "cnN": "India"
              "aD": 150,
              "dr": 150,
              "gT": 0,
              "sO": false,
              "sP": "",
              "sD": 0
          "sA": 9,
          "db": "D1",
          "fF": 21832,
          "tAS": 3724,
          "fFWAM": 30832,
          "fareIdentifier": {
            "name": "Published",
            "code": "farjkk7",
            "colorCode": "#0077CE"
          "groupId": 75
          "iR": true,
          "aR": null,
          "iL": false,
          "rI": "8df1623d-1f20-48a6-96d2-966f3544bc81",
          "pr": "P2",
          "pF": 22510,
          "oF": 22510,
          "cr": "INR",
          "bF": 18565,
          "sC": 0,
          "sF": 0,
          "pFC": "PUBLISHED",
          "sg": [
              "bg": "25 Kg (01 Piece only)",
              "cBg": "7 Kg",
              "cC": 2,
              "al": {
                "alC": "AI",
                "alN": "Air India",
                "fN": "860",
                "fC": "T",
                "oC": null,
                "fCFC": "T_PUBLISHED"
              "nOSA": 9,
              "or": {
                "aC": "DEL",
                "aN": "Delhi Indira Gandhi Intl",
                "tr": "Terminal 3",
                "cC": "DEL",
                "cN": "Delhi",
                "dT": "2024-08-21T02:15:00",
                "cnN": "India"
              "ds": {
                "aC": "BOM",
                "aN": "Chhatrapati Shivaji",
                "tr": "Terminal 2",
                "cC": "BOM",
                "cN": "Mumbai",
                "aT": "2024-08-21T04:30:00",
                "cnN": "India"
              "aD": 135,
              "dr": 135,
              "gT": 0,
              "sO": false,
              "sP": "",
              "sD": 0
          "sA": 9,
          "db": "D1",
          "fF": 22307,
          "tAS": 3742,
          "fFWAM": 31307,
          "fareIdentifier": {
            "name": "Published",
            "code": "farjkk7",
            "colorCode": "#0077CE"
          "groupId": 80
          "iR": true,
          "aR": null,
          "iL": false,
          "rI": "e0b5825c-1e41-47cf-90e2-7840e5331cb0",
          "pr": "P2",
          "pF": 23007,
          "oF": 23007,
          "cr": "INR",
          "bF": 19280,
          "sC": 0,
          "sF": 0,
          "pFC": "PUBLISHED",
          "sg": [
              "bg": "1  Piece",
              "cBg": "7 Kg",
              "cC": 2,
              "al": {
                "alC": "UK",
                "alN": "Vistara",
                "fN": "999",
                "fC": "O",
                "oC": null,
                "fCFC": "O_PUBLISHED"
              "nOSA": 9,
              "or": {
                "aC": "DEL",
                "aN": "Delhi Indira Gandhi Intl",
                "tr": "Terminal 3",
                "cC": "DEL",
                "cN": "Delhi",
                "dT": "2024-08-21T21:55:00",
                "cnN": "India"
              "ds": {
                "aC": "BOM",
                "aN": "Chhatrapati Shivaji",
                "tr": "Terminal 2",
                "cC": "BOM",
                "cN": "Mumbai",
                "aT": "2024-08-22T00:15:00",
                "cnN": "India"
              "aD": 140,
              "dr": 140,
              "gT": 0,
              "sO": false,
              "sP": "",
              "sD": 0
          "sA": 9,
          "db": "D1",
          "fF": 22799,
          "tAS": 3519,
          "fFWAM": 31799,
          "fareIdentifier": {
            "name": "Published",
            "code": "farjkk7",
            "colorCode": "#0077CE"
          "groupId": 0
          "iR": true,
          "aR": null,
          "iL": false,
          "rI": "46646e60-018c-4389-b283-fa7b6df157ca",
          "pr": "P2",
          "pF": 41583,
          "oF": 41583,
          "cr": "INR",
          "bF": 36190,
          "sC": 0,
          "sF": 0,
          "pFC": "PUBLISHED",
          "sg": [
              "bg": "1  Piece",
              "cBg": "7 Kg",
              "cC": 2,
              "al": {
                "alC": "UK",
                "alN": "Vistara",
                "fN": "871",
                "fC": "O",
                "oC": null,
                "fCFC": "O_PUBLISHED"
              "nOSA": 9,
              "or": {
                "aC": "DEL",
                "aN": "Delhi Indira Gandhi Intl",
                "tr": "Terminal 3",
                "cC": "DEL",
                "cN": "Delhi",
                "dT": "2024-08-21T20:55:00",
                "cnN": "India"
              "ds": {
                "aC": "HYD",
                "aN": "Shamshabad Rajiv Gandhi Intl Arpt",
                "cC": "HYD",
                "cN": "Hyderabad",
                "aT": "2024-08-21T23:15:00",
                "cnN": "India"
              "aD": 140,
              "dr": 140,
              "gT": 0,
              "sO": false,
              "sP": "",
              "sD": 555
              "bg": "1  Piece",
              "cBg": "7 Kg",
              "cC": 2,
              "al": {
                "alC": "UK",
                "alN": "Vistara",
                "fN": "874",
                "fC": "O",
                "oC": null,
                "fCFC": "O_PUBLISHED"
              "nOSA": 9,
              "or": {
                "aC": "HYD",
                "aN": "Shamshabad Rajiv Gandhi Intl Arpt",
                "cC": "HYD",
                "cN": "Hyderabad",
                "dT": "2024-08-22T08:30:00",
                "cnN": "India"
              "ds": {
                "aC": "BOM",
                "aN": "Chhatrapati Shivaji",
                "tr": "Terminal 2",
                "cC": "BOM",
                "cN": "Mumbai",
                "aT": "2024-08-22T10:05:00",
                "cnN": "India"
              "aD": 790,
              "dr": 95,
              "gT": 555,
              "sO": false,
              "sP": "",
              "sD": 0
          "sA": 9,
          "db": "D1",
          "fF": 41208,
          "tAS": 5018,
          "fFWAM": 50208,
          "fareIdentifier": {
            "name": "Published",
            "code": "farjkk7",
            "colorCode": "#0077CE"
          "groupId": 98
          "iR": true,
          "aR": null,
          "iL": false,
          "rI": "c99ee579-3fc2-4931-a74f-4cffa3dc5a19",
          "pr": "P2",
          "pF": 41583,
          "oF": 41583,
          "cr": "INR",
          "bF": 36190,
          "sC": 0,
          "sF": 0,
          "pFC": "PUBLISHED",
          "sg": [
              "bg": "1  Piece",
              "cBg": "7 Kg",
              "cC": 2,
              "al": {
                "alC": "UK",
                "alN": "Vistara",
                "fN": "871",
                "fC": "O",
                "oC": null,
                "fCFC": "O_PUBLISHED"
              "nOSA": 9,
              "or": {
                "aC": "DEL",
                "aN": "Delhi Indira Gandhi Intl",
                "tr": "Terminal 3",
                "cC": "DEL",
                "cN": "Delhi",
                "dT": "2024-08-21T20:55:00",
                "cnN": "India"
              "ds": {
                "aC": "HYD",
                "aN": "Shamshabad Rajiv Gandhi Intl Arpt",
                "cC": "HYD",
                "cN": "Hyderabad",
                "aT": "2024-08-21T23:15:00",
                "cnN": "India"
              "aD": 140,
              "dr": 140,
              "gT": 0,
              "sO": false,
              "sP": "",
              "sD": 420
              "bg": "1  Piece",
              "cBg": "7 Kg",
              "cC": 2,
              "al": {
                "alC": "UK",
                "alN": "Vistara",
                "fN": "872",
                "fC": "O",
                "oC": null,
                "fCFC": "O_PUBLISHED"
              "nOSA": 9,
              "or": {
                "aC": "HYD",
                "aN": "Shamshabad Rajiv Gandhi Intl Arpt",
                "cC": "HYD",
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              "dr": 135,
              "gT": 0,
              "sO": false,
              "sP": "",
              "sD": 0
          "sA": 9,
          "db": "D1",
          "fF": 22051,
          "tAS": 3326,
          "fFWAM": 31051,
          "fareIdentifier": {
            "name": "Others",
            "code": "fothers",
            "colorCode": "#EC008F"
          "groupId": 7
          "iR": true,
          "aR": null,
          "iL": false,
          "rI": "d3cbfa25-6231-4969-b314-0c340ee557ed",
          "pr": "P2",
          "pF": 22252,
          "oF": 22252,
          "cr": "INR",
          "bF": 18725,
          "sC": 0,
          "sF": 0,
          "pFC": "PUBLISHED",
          "sg": [
              "bg": "1  Piece",
              "cBg": "7 Kg",
              "cC": 2,
              "al": {
                "alC": "UK",
                "alN": "Vistara",
                "fN": "986",
                "fC": "O",
                "oC": null,
                "fCFC": "O_PUBLISHED"
              "nOSA": 9,
              "or": {
                "aC": "BOM",
                "aN": "Chhatrapati Shivaji",
                "tr": "Terminal 2",
                "cC": "BOM",
                "cN": "Mumbai",
                "dT": "2024-08-28T22:50:00",
                "cnN": "India"
              "ds": {
                "aC": "DEL",
                "aN": "Delhi Indira Gandhi Intl",
                "tr": "Terminal 3",
                "cC": "DEL",
                "cN": "Delhi",
                "aT": "2024-08-29T01:00:00",
                "cnN": "India"
              "aD": 130,
              "dr": 130,
              "gT": 0,
              "sO": false,
              "sP": "",
              "sD": 0
          "sA": 9,
          "db": "D1",
          "fF": 22051,
          "tAS": 3326,
          "fFWAM": 31051,
          "fareIdentifier": {
            "name": "Published",
            "code": "farjkk7",
            "colorCode": "#0077CE"
          "groupId": 7
          "iR": true,
          "aR": null,
          "iL": false,
          "rI": "8a0b1591-af9b-4080-b8f1-f923fd9cff01",
          "pr": "P2",
          "pF": 22252,
          "oF": 22252,
          "cr": "INR",
          "bF": 18725,
          "sC": 0,
          "sF": 0,
          "pFC": "ECO LITE",
          "sg": [
              "bg": "1 Piece",
              "cBg": "7 Kg",
              "cC": 2,
              "al": {
                "alC": "UK",
                "alN": "Vistara",
                "fN": "952",
                "fC": "O",
                "oC": null,
                "fCFC": "O_ECO LITE"
              "nOSA": 9,
              "or": {
                "aC": "BOM",
                "aN": "Chhatrapati Shivaji",
                "tr": "Terminal 2",
                "cC": "BOM",
                "cN": "Mumbai",
                "dT": "2024-08-28T12:25:00",
                "cnN": "India"
              "ds": {
                "aC": "DEL",
                "aN": "Delhi Indira Gandhi Intl",
                "tr": "Terminal 3",
                "cC": "DEL",
                "cN": "Delhi",
                "aT": "2024-08-28T14:35:00",
                "cnN": "India"
              "aD": 130,
              "dr": 130,
              "gT": 0,
              "sO": false,
              "sP": "",
              "sD": 0
          "sA": 9,
          "db": "D1",
          "fF": 22051,
          "tAS": 3326,
          "fFWAM": 31051,
          "fareIdentifier": {
            "name": "Others",
            "code": "fothers",
            "colorCode": "#EC008F"
          "groupId": 6
    "facets": {
      "fares": [
          "name": "Published",
          "count": 202,
          "code": "farjkk7",
          "colorCode": "#0077CE"
          "name": "Others",
          "count": 310,
          "code": "fothers",
          "colorCode": "#EC008F"
      "airlines": {
        "inbound": [
            "name": "Air India",
            "code": "AI",
            "count": 168
            "name": "Vistara",
            "code": "UK",
            "count": 273
            "name": "Spicejet",
            "code": "SG",
            "count": 1
            "name": "Hahn Air",
            "code": "H1",
            "count": 33
        "outbound": [
            "name": "Vistara",
            "code": "UK",
            "count": 255
            "name": "Air India",
            "code": "AI",
            "count": 67
            "name": "Spicejet",
            "code": "SG",
            "count": 1
            "name": "Hahn Air",
            "code": "H1",
            "count": 25

GroupID in Flight Search

GroupID is used to group all fares for a particular flight.


  • GroupID is limited to a specific result list only.
  • In a Domestic Return Search, there are two separate lists:
    • Outbound results list
    • Inbound results list
  • A GroupID in the outbound list is only applicable within the outbound results and does not extend to the inbound list.

Baggage Allowance for Children and Infants in Flight Booking

1. Baggage Allowance for Adults and Children

  • The baggage allowance for Adults and Children is the same.
  • This information is found in the segment node of the Search API response.
  • Airlines treat Children as regular passengers for baggage purposes, meaning they are entitled to the same baggage allowance as Adults.**

2. Baggage Allowance for Infants

  • The segment node in the Search API response does not apply baggage rules to Infants.
  • Infant baggage policies are governed by specific airline rules and may vary by carrier.

General Infant Baggage Policies:

  1. Checked Baggage:

    • Most airlines allow Infants a specific checked baggage allowance, often 10 kg (22 lbs) or a single small suitcase.
  2. Carry-On Baggage:

    • Some airlines permit a diaper bag or a small carry-on for essentials needed during the flight.
  3. Additional Items:

    • Strollers, bassinets, or car seats are often allowed free of charge as part of Infant baggage**.
    • This varies by airline, so it is essential to check with the specific carrier.

API Reference