
This API is used to reverify the flight's price from the supplier or airline before proceeding with the booking. It ensures that the latest fare is fetched and validated against the itinerary.

API Request Response Structure

Path Parameters

itineraryCodeStringUnique identifier for the itinerary.

Request Body Structure

traceIdStringUnique identifier for tracking the search request.

Sample Request

    "traceId": "642caced-6ddc-4204-8b7e-d3c7dea5cfc3"

Response Body Structure

Root Level

resultsObjectContains fare quote details, itinerary, and passenger information.

results Object

paxCountIntegerTotal number of passengers.
adultCountIntegerNumber of adults.
childCountIntegerNumber of children.
infantCountIntegerNumber of infants.
itineraryCodeStringUnique identifier for the itinerary.
traceIdStringUnique identifier for tracking the search request.
addONsObjectAdditional services (if applicable).
isDomesticBooleantrue if the flight is domestic, false otherwise.
previousTotalAmountIntegerPrevious total fare before re-evaluation.
totalAmountIntegerUpdated total fare after re-evaluation.
isPriceChangedBooleanIndicates if the fare has changed (true or false).
isBaggageChangedBooleanIndicates if baggage policy has changed.
insuranceAmountIntegerCost of travel insurance (if applicable).
baseFareIntegerBase fare for the flight.
taxAndSurchargeIntegerTotal taxes and surcharges.
tcDiscountIntegerAny discount applied.
isHoldAllowedBooleanIndicates if ticket hold is allowed.
totalHoldChargesIntegerCharges for holding the ticket.
FFAirlineCodesArrayList of airline codes for frequent flyer programs.

itineraryItems (Flight Itinerary Details)

Each flight itinerary contains:

itemCodeStringUnique identifier for the itinerary item.
typeStringType of service (e.g., "FLIGHT").
itemFlightObjectFlight-specific details (see below).

itemFlight Object (Flight Details)

resultIndexStringUnique identifier for the flight result.
originStringIATA code of the departure airport.
isLCCBooleantrue if flight is a low-cost carrier.
isRefundableBooleanIndicates if the ticket is refundable.
destinationStringIATA code of the arrival airport.
airlineNameStringName of the airline.
flightNumberStringFlight number.
journeyTypeIntegerType of journey (1: One-way, 2: Round-trip).
departureAtStringDeparture date and time (ISO format).
arrivalAtStringArrival date and time (ISO format).
fareIdentifierObjectContains fare details (name, code, color code).
stopCountObjectInformation about stopovers.

fareQuote (Updated Fare Details)

resultIndexStringUnique identifier for the fare quote.
isLCCBooleantrue if flight is a low-cost carrier.
currencyStringCurrency code (e.g., "INR").
baseFareIntegerBase fare of the flight.
finalFareIntegerFinal fare after taxes and surcharges.
taxAndSurchargeIntegerTotal taxes and surcharges.
isDiscountAppliedBooleanIndicates if a discount was applied.
originalFinalFareIntegerOriginal fare before discounts (if applicable).
tcDiscountIntegerDiscount amount (if applicable).
ssrAmountIntegerCost of any selected special services.

fareRule (Fare Rules and Policies)

Each fare rule includes:

airlineStringAirline name.
originStringDeparture airport IATA code.
destinationStringArrival airport IATA code.
fareRuleDetailStringDetailed fare rules (includes cancellation and rescheduling policies).

passengers (List of Passengers)

Each passenger contains:

idIntegerPassenger ID.
titleStringTitle (e.g., "Mr", "Ms").
firstNameStringPassenger's first name.
lastNameStringPassenger's last name.
genderIntegerPassenger gender (1: Male, 2: Female).
dateOfBirthStringPassenger's date of birth (YYYY-MM-DD).
emailStringPassenger's email address.
contactNumberStringPassenger's phone number.
passportNumberStringPassport number (if applicable).
passportExpiryStringPassport expiry date (YYYY-MM-DD).
gstNumberStringGST number (if applicable).

airportMetaData (Airport Information)

Each airport entry contains:

airportCodeStringIATA code of the airport.
cityCodeStringIATA code of the city.
cityNameStringCity name.

Sample Response

    "results": {
        "paxCount": 1,
        "adultCount": 1,
        "childCount": 0,
        "infantCount": 0,
        "itineraryCode": "itrjie4",
        "traceId": "8e3a162d-6801-4001-b539-9a8096c7ee41",
        "addONs": null,
        "isDomestic": true,
        "previousTotalAmount": 4163,
        "totalAmount": 4163,
        "isPriceChanged": false,
        "isBaggageChanged": false,
        "insuranceAmount": 0,
        "baseFare": 3460,
        "taxAndSurcharge": 703,
        "tcDiscount": 0,
        "isHoldAllowed": true,
        "totalHoldCharges": 0,
        "FFAirlineCodes": [
        "itineraryItems": [
                "itemCode": "itmj0v5",
                "type": "FLIGHT",
                "itemFlight": {
                    "resultIndex": "c94965e0-7cbb-4088-aeb0-6b13d948d6eb",
                    "origin": "DEL",
                    "isLCC": false,
                    "isRefundable": true,
                    "destination": "BOM",
                    "airlineName": "Air India",
                    "flightNumber": "636",
                    "journeyType": 1,
                    "provider": "P2",
                    "distributor": "D1",
                    "isDomestic": true,
                    "departureAt": "2024-08-21T14:30:00.000Z",
                    "arrivalAt": "2024-08-21T18:05:00.000Z",
                    "fareIdentifier": {
                        "name": "Published",
                        "code": "farjkk7",
                        "colorCode": "#0077CE"
                    "stopCount": {
                        "stops": 0
                    "airlineRemark": null,
                    "isHoldAllowed": true,
                    "fareQuote": {
                        "resultIndex": "c94965e0-7cbb-4088-aeb0-6b13d948d6eb",
                        "isLCC": false,
                        "currency": "INR",
                        "baseFare": 3460,
                        "finalFare": 4163,
                        "taxAndSurcharge": 703,
                        "isDiscountApplied": false,
                        "originalFinalFare": null,
                        "tcDiscount": 0,
                        "ssrAmount": 0
                    "fareRule": [
                            "airline": "",
                            "origin": "DEL",
                            "destination": "BOM",
                            "fareRuleDetail": "<br><li><span>NO SHOW : </span></li>&emsp;<span>Policy Period: 8760 to 0 hours before journey</span><br>&emsp;<span>&emsp;Policy Info : Non refundable (Only statutory taxes will be refunded)</span><br><br><li><span>DATECHANGE : </span></li>&emsp;<span>Policy Period: 8760 to 4 hours before journey</span><br>&emsp;<span>&emsp;&emsp;Amount : 3000</span><br>&emsp;<span>&emsp;&emsp;Policy Info : <br>&emsp;&emsp;&emsp;Changes permitted 25 Hrs before scheduled departure<br>&emsp;&emsp;&emsp;Change Penalty : INR 3,000/- or basic fare whichever is lower + Fare Difference</span><br><br>&emsp;<span>&emsp;&emsp;Fare Components : </span><br>&emsp;<span>&emsp;&emsp;&emsp;Airline Reschedule Fee : 3000</span><br><br><br><li><span>CANCELLATION : </span></li>&emsp;<span>Policy Period: 8760 to 4 hours before journey</span><br>&emsp;<span>&emsp;&emsp;Amount : 3000</span><br>&emsp;<span>&emsp;&emsp;Policy Info : <br>&emsp;&emsp;&emsp;Cancellation permitted 25 Hrs before scheduled departure<br>&emsp;&emsp;&emsp;Cancellation Penalty : INR 3,000/- or basic fare whichever is lower</span><br><br>&emsp;<span>&emsp;&emsp;Fare Components : </span><br>&emsp;<span>&emsp;&emsp;&emsp;Airline Cancellation Fee : 3000</span><br><br><li><span>SEAT_CHARGEABLE : </span></li>&emsp;<span>Policy Period: 8760 to 0 hours before journey</span><br>"
                    "segments": [
                                "bg": "25 Kg (01 Piece only)",
                                "cBg": "7 Kg",
                                "cC": 2,
                                "al": {
                                    "alC": "AI",
                                    "alN": "Air India",
                                    "fN": "636",
                                    "fC": "S",
                                    "oC": null,
                                    "fCFC": "S_PUBLISHED"
                                "nOSA": null,
                                "or": {
                                    "aC": "DEL",
                                    "aN": "Delhi Indira Gandhi Intl",
                                    "tr": "Terminal 3",
                                    "cC": "DEL",
                                    "cN": "Delhi",
                                    "dT": "2024-08-21T14:30:00",
                                    "cnN": "India"
                                "ds": {
                                    "aC": "IDR",
                                    "aN": "Devi Ahilya Bai Holkar Arpt",
                                    "cC": "IDR",
                                    "cN": "Indore",
                                    "aT": "2024-08-21T16:05:00",
                                    "cnN": "India"
                                "aD": 95,
                                "dr": 95,
                                "gT": 0,
                                "sO": false,
                                "sP": "",
                                "sD": 35
                                "bg": "25 Kg (01 Piece only)",
                                "cBg": "7 Kg",
                                "cC": 2,
                                "al": {
                                    "alC": "AI",
                                    "alN": "Air India",
                                    "fN": "636",
                                    "fC": "S",
                                    "oC": null,
                                    "fCFC": "S_PUBLISHED"
                                "nOSA": null,
                                "or": {
                                    "aC": "IDR",
                                    "aN": "Devi Ahilya Bai Holkar Arpt",
                                    "cC": "IDR",
                                    "cN": "Indore",
                                    "dT": "2024-08-21T16:40:00",
                                    "cnN": "India"
                                "ds": {
                                    "aC": "BOM",
                                    "aN": "Chhatrapati Shivaji",
                                    "tr": "Terminal 2",
                                    "cC": "BOM",
                                    "cN": "Mumbai",
                                    "aT": "2024-08-21T18:05:00",
                                    "cnN": "India"
                                "aD": 215,
                                "dr": 85,
                                "gT": 35,
                                "sO": false,
                                "sP": "",
                                "sD": 0
                    "pnrDetails": [
                            "origin": "DEL",
                            "destination": "BOM",
                            "pnr": null
        "passengers": [
                "id": 16027,
                "title": "Mr",
                "firstName": "Test",
                "lastName": "Test",
                "gender": 1,
                "addressLineOne": "Building No 9B, Pusa Road, Uttkarsh Bank Near Rajendra Place Metro Station",
                "addressLineTwo": "Delhi 110060, New Delhi, Delhi 110005",
                "dateOfBirth": "1987-12-06T00:00:00.000Z",
                "email": "[email protected]",
                "city": "Delhi",
                "cellCountryCode": "91",
                "contactNumber": "8077087471",
                "nationality": null,
                "countryCode": "IN",
                "countryName": "India",
                "isLeadPax": true,
                "panCardNumber": null,
                "passportNumber": "T1234563",
                "passportIssueDate": null,
                "passportExpiry": "2026-12-06T00:00:00.000Z",
                "frequentFlyerAirlineCode": null,
                "frequentFlyerNumber": null,
                "gstCompanyAddress": "reliance mumbai",
                "gstCompanyContactNumber": "1234569876",
                "gstCompanyEmail": "[email protected]",
                "gstCompanyName": "reliance",
                "gstNumber": "07AAACR5055K1Z9",
                "paxType": 1,
                "memberCode": "mjxpp",
                "organizationCode": "orjkkv",
                "outboundStatus": 1,
                "inboundStatus": 0,
                "createdAt": "2024-07-30T10:00:51.000Z",
                "ssr": {}
                "id": 16028,
                "title": "Mr",
                "firstName": "Testsecondpax",
                "lastName": "seconpax",
                "gender": 1,
                "addressLineOne": "Building No 9B, Pusa Road, Uttkarsh Bank Near Rajendra Place Metro Station",
                "addressLineTwo": "Delhi 110060, New Delhi, Delhi 110005",
                "dateOfBirth": "1987-12-06T00:00:00.000Z",
                "email": "[email protected]",
                "city": "Delhi",
                "cellCountryCode": "91",
                "contactNumber": "8077021498",
                "nationality": null,
                "countryCode": "IN",
                "countryName": "India",
                "isLeadPax": false,
                "panCardNumber": null,
                "passportNumber": "T1234563",
                "passportIssueDate": null,
                "passportExpiry": "2026-12-06T00:00:00.000Z",
                "frequentFlyerAirlineCode": null,
                "frequentFlyerNumber": null,
                "gstCompanyAddress": "reliance mumbai",
                "gstCompanyContactNumber": "1234569876",
                "gstCompanyEmail": "[email protected]",
                "gstCompanyName": "reliance",
                "gstNumber": "07AAACR5055K1Z9",
                "paxType": 1,
                "memberCode": "mjxpp",
                "organizationCode": "orjkkv",
                "outboundStatus": 1,
                "inboundStatus": 0,
                "createdAt": "2024-07-30T10:00:51.000Z",
                "ssr": {}
        "airportMetaData": [
                "airportCode": "BOM",
                "cityCode": "BOM",
                "cityName": "Mumbai",
                "countryCode": "IN",
                "countryName": "India",
                "latitude": "19.088699",
                "longitude": "72.867897"
        "agentInfo": null,
        "traceIdDetails": {
            "traceId": "8e3a162d-6801-4001-b539-9a8096c7ee41",
            "remainingTime": 8844,
            "createdAt": "2024-07-30T15:29:01"

Add-ons Pricing in RePrice API and GetItinerary API

Add-ons Price Details:

  • When optional add-ons such as seat, meal, or baggage are selected, their prices are included in the addOnsnode of both:
    • RePrice API response
    • GetItinerary API response

totalAmount Node:

  • The totalAmount node in RePrice API and GetItinerary API represents only the flight price.
  • It does not include the cost of selected add-ons (seat, meal, baggage, etc.).

Final Deduction:

  • The final amount deducted from the wallet for the booking is:
    totalAmount(Flight Price) +addOns Price

Example Response (addOns Node in API Response)

"addONs": {
  "meal": {
    "totalAmt": 0,
    "count": 0
  "baggage": {
    "totalAmt": 0,
    "count": 0
  "seat": {
    "totalAmt": 175,
    "count": 1

API Reference