Error Structure

Error Response structure is standard across all APIs.

Error Response Structure

  "error": {
    "errorCode": 6,
    "errorMessage": "Results Have Expired. Please Try Again"
  "responseStatus": 100,
  "traceId": "eb0dd017-c953-408e-b85d-05dbf4f333f3"


  • In case of a session timeout, the ErrorCode will be 6.
  • HTTP Status Codes (400 to 500) will follow this response structure.
  • If a 401 status code appears in any API response, it indicates that the user session has expired.

Error Codes and Their Meaning

Error CodeMessageDescription
50Something Went Wrong, Please try again.Sometimes the supplier is unable to send a specific reason for request failure; a generic message is sent.
51Internal Server Error, Please Try Again Later.Indicates an internal system error while serving the request.
52Service Unreachable.Indicates that the service is temporarily unreachable.
60Booking Failed.Indicates that the booking process failed.
61Booking is in progress.Temporary error indicating that the booking request is in progress.
62Booking already confirmed with the same criteria.Indicates a duplicate booking attempt for the same itinerary that was previously confirmed.
62Booking already Released.For hold bookings, indicates that the requested booking was already released.
63Partial Booking is Successful.In a round-trip case, indicates partial booking success.
63Booking is Already Hold.Indicates that the requested itinerary is already on hold.
66Booking Does Not Exist.Indicates that the requested booking does not exist in the system.
68Results Expired due to some Change in Flight. Please Try Again.Indicates that the booking session expired due to changes in the flight.
69Request not allowed: Already exists for one of the Passenger(s).Indicates that the SSR request has already been added for the selected passenger.
71Not Able to Fetch Booking Details.Indicates that the requested booking details could not be fetched.
75Selected flight no longer available.Indicates that the requested flight is no longer available.
81Itinerary not found.Indicates that the requested flight itinerary could not be found in the system.
84Failed to create booking on FMS.Indicates that booking could not be created on the internal system.
86Booking Details not found. Please check Provider Booking Code.Indicates that the requested booking's details could not be found in the system.

Additional Notes

Please note that, other than the error codes listed above, the error code and error description will be passed in the response exactly as received from the flight supplier or airline.